Best coverages for the most competitive rates in the market!
Best coverages for the most
competitive rates in the market!
Quick Quote
- Quotes in 15-30 minutes
- Every carrier in the state
- Most Competitive rates
Binder Request
- Easily and conveniently
convert your quotes!
Rapid Rater
- #1 comparative rater in the state
- Great for Real Estate Agents
- Get on-the-spot instant estimates
We offer a wide range of
Insurance services including:
- Homeowners
- Flood
- Auto
- Commercial
- Private Collections
every single carrier in the state
What makes us different than other insurance agencies? QuoteSlash Insurance has partnered with every “A Rated” admitted carrier in the state of Florida, Texas, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New Hampshire which allows us to provide the best coverages with the most competitive rates, every time. By representing every carrier in the marketplace, we can insure any home regardless of age, location or condition!
with our online platform
No more waiting on quotes! QuoteSlash Insurance serves mortgage and real estate professionals, delivering the most competitive home insurance rates on the market, instantly. It doesn’t get easier than this, the best coverages and the lowest rates within minutes!
Insurance Technology
Quoteslash has developed a proprietary comparative rating software which allows us to deliver a seamless and instant experience for our real estate and mortgage partners. Our technology scans every rate in the marketplace guaranteeing your clients receive the most competitive policy for their home.